FASA Membership

(SA residents only)

Please complete the online membership application below which will be sent direct to the Treasurer.

 All new memberships are subject to committee approval and payment of the relevant fee.

Membership Application

(Applications without payment will not be processed)


Please make direct payments to:

Westpac - Modbury

BSB: 035 046

Acct No: 437128

Account name: Feline Association of SA

 Reference: Membership


and please email bank receipt to the Treasurer:

Denise Liviero FASA Treasurer


First Name:
Last Name:
Home Phone:
Mobile Phone:
Email Address:
Membership: New Member
Renewal Of Membership
Membership Type: Single ($20pa)
Family ($25pa)
Single Pensioner ($18pa)
Family Pensioner ($20pa)
What Breed of Cats do you own:
Are you a cat breeder No
If Yes what is your DACO Breeder Registration Number (BRN)
What is your Prefix (Cattery name)
Which organisation is your Prefix registered with
Are your cats registered with or eligible to be FASA registered (they must be registered with a CCCA or ACF affiliate such as FASA) Yes
Payment Method: Direct Bank Deposit
Cheque/Money Order in Post

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